
Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wacky Animal Report

Wacky Animal Literacy Project

LI: to merge two animals together to create a new wacky animal
that is represented by the combined characteristics of both the individual animals.

How did I do it: whaea Dom had prepared a project for my class.
We had to choose an animals I chose the
puckling, we also had to make stuff up about our animal.

Reflection: I really enjoyed making the name, I hated making stuff up, it hurt my brain.

Question for audience: what would be your wacky animal?


  1. Kayla your wacky animal report is amazing. You have added a lot of info and that's good. I would definitely like to get one of theses.

  2. I love the Puckling very very cute. But maybe you always add some pictures I would love to see them in the viscous mode.
